Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Lindy Hop

Inspired by a friend’s writing on lindy hop, here’s my share of what the dance is to me.

Lindy has been a part of my life for 3 ½ years now, I’m still loving it. It’s all about fun, connection with your partner, musicality, body awareness and play. Of course enjoying swing music is a big part.

The swing community here is pretty small as compared to other countries, even when there’s the inevitable bitching sometimes, it’s still warm & cosy and I love our circle of friends. :-)

Swing has also brought me to places for dance camps & exchanges, learnt lots from fabulous gurus and the experiences from those camps are invaluable as well as fun! Plus, many precious friendships were made along the way, you won’t believe how easy it is to start a conversation with like-minded people without feeling awkward.

All you have to do is ask “Do you wanna dance?”

Will I ever quit lindy? My answer today is a bold NO!

Let’s dance, baby!

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