Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Love is...

When you can keep looking for a long time
at someone while he's asleep
And think he's so cute and sweet
You feel fuzzy and warm
Those are contended moments
filled with happiness...

It's a...


Tuesday, May 27, 2008


So i wrote this Haiku:

Bitter bitter Bee
Forgive and forget you should
Better things will be

Monday, May 05, 2008

An Update

The little voice in my head has been nagging me to blog for a very long time, and I keep brushing her off giving her all kinds of there's enough updating with facebooking, busy with life & kid, no inspirations, tons of photos to edit, and my writing sucks... blah blah blah... the list goes on.
At last she won me over, so here goes some updates & thoughts (ahem... in point forms :P)

1) Currently, my favorite book of all time (more like love at first read) is Ajahn Brahm's Who Ordered This Truckload of Dung. He's such a great teacher sharing his wisdom in life with his good sense of humour.

Before this, I was a buddhist in forms whereas I called myself a free thinker if someone asked about my religion. Because I really do not think one is a buddhist if he/she only goes to pray in the temple without studying and practicing buddhist teachings.

Now, I can finally call myself a buddhist as I've started to practice its teachings in life, and I want to keep learning about buddhism. Taking one step at a time.

2) My baby is now a 16 months toddler, going on 17. I'm amazed at the pace he learns stuff. He observes and mimics you. The other day, I was calling H with a poke on his side and guess what, my boy went to poke his dad too. Man... I have to constantly be aware of the bad habits I do unknowingly sometimes.

Parenting is the most challenging job, ever! It's hard work, sometimes daunting and can really test your patience. However, the returns you get while you mold your child and see him blossoms into another human being with his own individuality is all worth it. Love, happiness and bliss!!

On that note, for the coming 11th May, to all mothers out there, Happy Mother's Day! Especially to my mother, I love you, Mama!

3) While I'm getting fatter & fatter these days, a foodie will always be a foodie. Haven't been to restaurants for a while now (other than at a friend's birthday party & another friend's wedding dinner in April), and still haven't got the opportunity to hunt for the exotic mushroom.
But I've cooked twice this couple of weeks, which is rare because I think it's really not economical (in terms of money and time) cooking for two than buying cooked food from food courts or kopitiams. On the other hand, cooking can be fun and there's satisfaction while gulping down the wholesome food. Yum!

4) After the three points above, lately, I've noticed that the types of books I mostly read are about life, parenting and food-related. Gone were the days of romance, hero and/or heroines, mysteries fictions... I guess my interests and perspectives have changed. :D

~ Bee will now indulge in a strawberry milkshake...