Saturday, June 10, 2006

Some updates

Hmm... nothing much to blog.

1. Tired most of the time, weekends were spent zzz-ing.
2. It's good to excercise when you're tired. It's actually energizing! Dance, dance!
3. I missed live jazz music! Wish they're going to ban smoking in lounges & bars soon.
4. My house's messy. I'll see when I'll stop procrastinating. Ha!
5. It's the Great Singapore Sale season again, and you know what, I just can't be bothered this time. Hmmm... weird.
6. Spending more time in front of the tube than the computer these days. Just watched the Gospel of Judas on National Geographic. A couch potato I've become.

Bee needs a holiday soon, the travel bug in her is waking up...

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